Preparing for a Hatching Adventure

Preparing for a Hatching Adventure

We’re excited, we’re nervous, and we’re almost ready…we’ve decided to attempt to incubate and hatch some chicken eggs this spring as we “level up” on our chicken keeping. We’ve purchased a Mini Eco incubator (made by Brisnea), after much research, from Meyer Hatchery and it has been cleaned and inspected. We even plugged it in and let it run for 24 hours or so to see if the temperature stayed true at the necessary 99.5 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit (it did.) We’ve been collecting a few other things we need: a thermometer so we can track the room temperature and a small flashlight for candling the eggs; and we’ve been reading up and watching videos in preparation.

We’ve ordered fertilized hatching eggs from and they will be arriving the week of January 27th. We will definitely be chronicling our incubation and, hopefully, hatching adventure here in the Raggedy Hen Farm blog, so stay tuned!

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