Spicy Soaps & Soothing Salts…So Perfect for the Season!


Oatmeal Spice with Comfrey and Oatmeal Lemongrass soap

There’s a crispness in the air and mornings are cool and dark again. Fall conjures up thoughts of warm tea and hot cocoa; bowls of steaming oatmeal, and long, soothing soaks in a full tub.  Our latest additions to the Raggedy Hen Farm shop are all about seasonal comfort and we’ve been so excited to share them with you!

We have two new thick bars of soap chock full of our usual organic, natural and nourishing ingredients:

  • Oatmeal Lemongrass–This goats milk soap is made with plenty of Coconut oil and Olive oil and we’ve included organic Cocoa butter and beeswax from our own bees.  Organic Vanilla powder, organic oats, and Lemongrass essential oil all come together to make a subtly-scented and oh-so-good-for-your-skin bar of natural soap.
  • Oatmeal Spice with Comfrey–We got a little carried away with visions of warm cookies and spicy tea while creating this soap.  We started with a big pitcher of comfrey tea–made from organic comfrey we harvested from our garden.  Coconut oil, Olive oil, Cocoa butter and beeswax from our bees provided a wonderful canvass for spicy additions like peppermint, clove and lemon essential oils, and organic cinnamon, ginger and vanilla.  We tossed in some poppy seeds for exfoliation and organic oats for healing softness and what we have is the perfect soap for the cold months ahead!


We have long depended on the muscle-soothing powers of Epsom salt for our own aging muscles and are always on the hunt for bath salts that are not filled with harmful detergents, chemicals or dyes.  It can also be tough to find bath salts that are not overwhelmingly scented.  We decided to create the very soaking salts we craved!  These Lavender Patchouli bath salts are made with the simplest ingredients: Epsom and Sea Salts, Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), and Vitamin E Oil for extra healing.  We add organic lavender and patchouli (yes, the actual powdered leaves of both plants) and just the right combination of organic lavender and patchouli essential oils.  This makes for a crisp, rejuvenating-scented bath and soft, clean skin. It even leaves the bathroom smelling fresh and relaxing too!

You can find these new seasonal offerings in our Raggedy Hen Farm shop (along with some other comforts and treats.) They may be just what your weary self is craving after a busy, bustly Summer!

Celebration Giveaway!


Enter to win some of our delicious Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie mix!

We have a lot to celebrate!  Raggedy Hen Farm has reached a couple big milestones and we invite you to party with us! We’ve reached over 100 “Likes” on Facebook AND we’ve been sharing our comfort foods, artisan soaps, recipes, and adventures with the world at large for exactly one month.  Since we are all about celebrations around here, we decided to give away a package of our Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie mix   and some of Hilda’s Herbal Tea Blend to one lucky friend to commemorate this accomplishment!

Who says eating healthy means giving up gooey, chewy cookies? We’ve taken Kori’s favorite Oatmeal cookies and given them a makeover and now they are more delicious than ever! Organic whole grain oats, meet up with organic whole wheat and organic cranberries; we add brown sugar and spices and all you need to do is ad an egg, water and a teaspoon of vanilla extract and you’ll soon be enjoying hearty, yummy cookies. Each package makes approx. 3.5 cups of mix or enough to make 2-3 dozen cookies.

Named after our maternal Buff Orpington, this tea blend is a caffeine free combination of some of the most tasty and refreshing organic herbs: red clover, oatstraw, spearmint, lemon grass, rosehips, blackberry leaf, hibiscus and rose petals. Delicious and soothing served hot or cold. Each package is 3 ounces or 3 cups; enough to brew approximately 20 servings.

There are 3 ways to enter and you can enter up to three times by doing all three!

It’s that easy!  We will choose a winner randomly on Saturday, September 14th and we will notify the winner via email.  We will then gather your mailing address and send out your cookies.  All you have to do is mix and bake and there is absolutely no purchase necessary to win.

Giveaway starts at 9:30 pm on Monday, September 9th and runs until 9:30 am on Saturday, September 14th. Each person is eligible to enter up to 3 times for a chance to win.